Friday, December 19, 2008

Lady Luck

I know I said the next time you'd hear from me I'd be in France, but I lied. I'm excited and this good news merits a broken promise. So, believe it or not I totally lucked out!! Happy day!! Emma called Mom yesterday while she was helping me move out of Jones, small pause cause this was a sad moment since Jones pretty much rules, and told her that my Student Visa which will allow me to be in France legally has arrived! This means I leave in aprroximately 3 days! It's amazing and scary and exciting all at the same time. I now have to quickly finalize some travel plans which I'm sure will be fun no matter what and quickly pack and go get some stuff like a converter so my computer doesn't blow up when I plug it in to the European walls. Well, now I am tired and plan to sleep for a while, I just wanted to update everyone quickly while I was still super excited and hadn't gotten frustrated with the packing yet!


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